Dexter’s Shirt

Dexter’s Shirt

He said he won’t be like those other dog owners who dress up their dogs. So what is this??? He said he saw the shirt, it was on sale, and so he bought it. Tsk tsk tsk. And yes, Dexter has cherry eye – at the moment. The vet said it’s common for his...
Do You Want Some More Tea?

Do You Want Some More Tea?

A package arrived the other day and Dexter barked his ferocious puppy bark at the UPS lady making her almost trip as she scrambled away from our front porch after hastily dropping a large box by our front door. I picked up the box which had a big Amazon logo on it,...
My Budding Entrepreneur

My Budding Entrepreneur

I remember I was 10 years old when I first ventured in business. Hair ribbons were the fashion among young girls back then, and at that time, I learned how to macrame yarn into colorful ribbons which my schoolmates loved. I figured since they loved the ribbons so...
Rinoa Turns Six!

Rinoa Turns Six!

My little girl is growing up so fast! Sniff! Sniff! I still remember that special day six years ago. I drove myself to the hospital, feeling crammed in our WRX, my big belly furiously rubbing on the steering wheel and my swollen feet numbly working the foot pedals....
Summer Days

Summer Days

I have been quiet, I know. Summer days have completely taken over me. My family and I have been basking in the glorious sunshine and hanging out with old and new friends. Usually I’m away exploring new territories in the summer but this year, since we’re...
Life with Dexter

Life with Dexter

We’ve had Dexter for almost two months now. And even though it took me a while before agreeing to having a dog in the house, I must admit that I’m glad we have one now. For one thing, it’s teaching my girls responsibility. For example, Mica wakes up...